Street Fight Laws in Canada
If you enter into a street fight, there will be a substantial risk. A risk that could hurt either you or the other person. a person cannot really get hurt from a fist fight but a street fight by its very nature is dangerous.
In Canada, you can assent to a fist fight. You cannot assent to bodily harm. according to the Canadian law, a consensual fight is not an assault. because both persons accept there will be some physical contact. however, it does not extend to any intentional bodily harm. If a person causes another person bodily harm in a street fight , there can be no consent.
Here is an example from the landmark Supreme Court of Canada. The accused had been arguing with another man in a bar in Ontario. The accused was challenged by the other man to a fight in the bar but it was broken up. They both agreed to continue the fight outside. after waiting outside , the accused punched the other man in the head, knocking him backwards onto the hood of a car. The accused carried on and, in a brief flurry, struck the victim repeatedly on the head, even after realizing he was unconscious. The victim rolled off the hood and lay limp. He was taken to the hospital where he later died.
The accused was charged with manslaughter and at the original trial, he was found not guilty. The trial judge held that the victim’s consent to a fair fight neutralize an assault.