Kazandji Law: Expert Toronto Lawyer Specializing in Sexual Assault and Abuse Cases

Sexual violence leaves deep physical and psychological scars, leading survivors to self-doubt and blame. The fear of stigma and re-traumatization can delay seeking help for years, even decades.

Toronto Sexual Assault Cases

In the years 2019 and 2020, Canada saw 1,507 people convicted of sexual assault crimes. 57% of these culprits received prison time, while 10% got conditional sentences.

A deeper look shows that 14% faced six to 12 months behind bars, 18% were handed one to two years, and 25% got over two years in custody.

The Supreme Court’s recent approach to sexual assault cases in the criminal justice system is significant. They have deliberated fewer than 40 such cases in the past ten years.

Out of 36 reviewed by May 2022, the Court overwhelmingly supported the complainant in 34 instances.
In the midst of these statistics, remember the importance of hiring a lawyer for sexual assault in Toronto. 

What is Sexual Assault

The term sexual assault covers a variety of actions in Canada. It’s not just about the extreme cases you might hear in the news. We are talking about any unwanted sexual touch, from a forced kiss to more serious offenses.

It is all about consent. Think of consent as the golden rule of sexual interactions. If someone is not okay with it, then it’s off-limits – that is sexual assault.

The law is pretty clear here. If someone’s not giving the green light, either verbally or through their actions, it’s prohibited. And if they are unable to give consent, like if they’re unconscious, it’s the same deal.

What if I face Sexual Assault Charges

Are you facing sexual assault charges? Do not panic

  • First, contact Kazadnji Law, a seasoned sexual assault defence lawyer in Toronto. This move is crucial for safeguarding your lifestyle.
  • Your initial chat with us is on the house. You will learn legal procedures, your duties, and the choices at your fingertips.
  • Once Kazandji Law is on your team, we will be more than just a lawyer; we will be your partner. We will dive into your case – your work, people, past, and what makes you tick.
  • We are always there to field your queries, keep you in the loop, or lend an ear to your worries. 

    Assault Cases Solved

    Please email us through the form on this page for a free chat about your situation.

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    What’s The Penalty for Sexual Assault

    What are the consequences of a sexual assault conviction? The fallout from such a conviction is significant.

    Typically, prison sentences can vary, ranging from a few months to a decade, influenced by factors like the nature of the assault—whether it involved minor or more severe physical contact—and the defendant’s past criminal history.

    The type of assault also matters, mainly if it results in bodily harm.

    Beyond jail time, convicts face the embarrassment of being publicly listed in both provincial and national sex offender registries for a minimum of ten years. They’re also under tight police watch for a considerable time post-conviction. 

    Possible Defence for Sexual Assault Charge

    • Firstly, the defense might argue that no sexual activity happened at all. We are talking about zero inappropriate touching or contact of any kind that falls under sexual assault.
    • Secondly, there’s the angle of consent. This means either there was consent, or it was genuinely believed that consent existed.

    Trust Kazandji Law to Defend your Child Sexual Assault Charge

    At Kazandji Law, one of Toronto’s top-tier criminal law firms, we are geared up with the resources to tackle child sexual assault charges head-on. Our team dives deep into the accuser’s background, highlighting any credibility hiccups, often a turning point in such cases. Our attorneys collaborate with leading experts, examining crucial forensic details like DNA to craft a bulletproof defense.

    Our winning streak in these complex trials is your assurance of top-notch representation. You are not just hiring a Toronto sexual assault lawyer but teaming up with a powerhouse of legal expertise and a track record that inspires confidence.

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    What is the burden of proof for sexual assault in Canada?

    In Canada, for sexual assault cases, the burden of proof squarely lies on the Crown. It is their responsibility to establish the guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

    What is level 1 sexual assault in Canada?

    Level 1 sexual assault in Canada refers to cases involving minor physical injuries or, in some instances, no injuries to the victim.

    How long does a sexual assault investigation take in Canada?

    Sexual assault investigations in Canada can be quite lengthy, often extending up to two years, depending on the complexity and specifics of the case.

    Is sexual assault bailable in Canada?

    In Canada, post-arrest for sexual assault, it is wise to get a lawyer. Generally, the accused are released on bail, but each case varies based on its circumstances.

    What are the outcomes of sexual assault cases in Canada?

    In Canada, sexual assault cases are challenging, with only about 11.5% of reported cases leading to a conviction. This highlights the challenges in these legal battles.

    How do most sexual assault cases end?

    Most sexual assault cases in Canada progress to trial, marking the next phase of the legal process after the investigation and charges.