Toronto’s Leading Lawyer for Armed Robbery, Firearm Theft, and Extortion Defense

Expert legal representation for those accused of robbery with a firearm in Toronto. Our experienced defense lawyer offers tailored strategies to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome.

What is Robbery with a Firearm?

In Canada’s legal geography, the robbery with a firearm criminal code is pretty straightforward. Imagine if anyone pulls off a heist using a firearm that is either tightly controlled or outright banned, especially if it is done to help, under orders from, or alongside a gang—well, that’s a big deal.

Are you caught up in such a situation in Toronto? Do not worry. Kazandji Law is your place to call. We are here to navigate the tricky waters of your defense, making sure you are set up with the best shot at clearing your name. Need to chat about your situation? Call us at 647-588-3234.

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What Is Considered A Firearm?

In the eyes of Canada’s Criminal Code, a firearm is essentially any barrelled device capable of launching a shot, bullet, or any other projectile with enough force to injure or even kill someone seriously. Think of it like this: Even an air pistol could be considered a firearm if it packs enough punch to send a projectile flying fast enough to cause actual harm.

If a robbery goes south and someone ends up fatally injured, the perpetrator could be staring down the barrel of a first-degree murder charge. When it comes to the law, the consequences are just as serious as the injury it can cause.

Sentence For Robbery with a Firearm in Canada

When exerting a firearm to carry out a robbery or extortion, the law comes down hard. Engaging in such acts with a gun heightens the stakes significantly, locking in a minimum of four years behind bars. Conversely, the ceiling for such crimes increases to a life sentence. It’s a serious game where the rules are black and white: use a gun, and you’re staring down the barrel for a lengthy time in prison.

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Call Defence Lawyer Kazandji Law For A Free Consultation

Are you facing legal trouble? Contact Kazandji Law, your Defence Lawyer, for a no-cost chat. Based in Toronto, we are here to help with cases like robbery with a firearm, armed robbery, and extortion. Also, Kazandji Law is about something other than making things tough on your wallet, offering flexible payment options, and accepting Legal Aid for many cases. Call us at 647-560-7721 or email us.


What is armed robbery in Canada?

In Canada, armed robbery occurs when someone commits theft from a person while carrying an offensive weapon or something that appears to be one, enhancing the severity of the crime.

Is robbery a severe crime in Canada?

Robbery is not just a crime under the Criminal Code of Canada; it’s considered one of the gravest forms of violent crime, treated with utmost seriousness by the courts.

What is the difference between robbery and theft in Canada?

The defining line between robbery and theft in Canada hinges on the element of force. Robbery involves force or the threat thereof, while theft is the act of taking without permission, sans the use of force.

Is armed robbery worse than pen robbery?

While armed robbery is immediately dangerous, pen robbery, or theft through deceit and manipulation, can leave deep, lasting scars on victims, making its impact profoundly serious.

What is the most feared type of robbery?

The most dreaded form of robbery is the armed variety, especially those involving “deadly weapons” like guns, knives, or any object that can inflict grave harm, elevating the risk and fear significantly.

What is the highest sentence for armed robbery?

The maximum sentence for armed robbery can reach up to 20 years in prison, reflecting the severe nature of the crime and its impact on society.

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