Legal Defense for Charges of Failing to Stop After an Accident

Facing charges for not stopping after an accident? Our skilled legal team provides robust defense strategies to protect your rights and navigate the complexities of your case with expertise.

Charged with “Failure to Stop”? Get Defence

Let’s talk about the fail-to-remain criminal code Canada mystery, specifically section 320.16. Across the board, with its Highway Traffic Act to the serene landscapes of other provinces, the rule is clear: hit-and-run is prohibited. Got tangled in a hit-and-run situation? It’s time to bring us in. The team at Kazandji Law is your go-to dial-up 647-560-7721 for a rescue line faster than you ever think.

What If I Leave The Scene Briefly And Then Return?

Imagine darting away from an accident spot for a bit and then coming back. What happens next? Well, it is all about the reason behind your quick escape. Many people in this pickle are running off to fetch help, then making a comeback.
This move is okay. But, if you try to avoid a sticky situation or neglect blame by not sticking around initially, returning later will not save you from potential trouble, even with the best intentions.
Keep it light, but let’s not forget: actions have consequences, and handling such situations with care and responsibility is crucial.

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How Does the Prosecutor Prove I Failed to Stop at The Scene of an Accident?

For a prosecutor to nail someone for running away from an accident scene, they have got to clear the high bar of proving, without a shadow of a doubt, that:
1. The person was at the helm of the vehicle.
2. This very vehicle decided to throw itself into an unfortunate mishap.
3. This mishap was either a drift or a race with another car.
4. The person, in a not-so-heroic attempt to dodge both a legal scolding and financial headaches, decided to:
5. a) Hit the gas instead of the brakes.
6. b) Zip their lips to share who they are or where they hang their hats.
7. c) Acted like they saw nothing when, in reality, someone might have needed a hand or a call for an ambulance.

Defences Available for a Charge of Failing to Stop/Remain

Are you facing a “failure to stop at the scene of an accident in Canada” charge? It is like being in a real-life escape room, but the clues to your exit depend entirely on the unique details of your situation.
Here’s a potential get-out-of-jail card:
1. Proof: The prosecution must piece together the puzzle of your identity, the when and where of the incident, the fact an accident indeed happened, your involvement in steering the trouble-mobile, your awareness (or blissful ignorance) of the mess, and your action (or lack thereof) post-collision. You might puzzle your way out if they are missing a piece.
2. The “I Had To” Defense: Have you ever had to run because you did something uncertain? If you had a legit “gotta go” reason post-accident (think rushing for medical help or avoiding danger), it’s a solid defence.
3. Did That Happen?: If you left without realizing your car danced with another, it’s like accidentally ghosting a party – you didn’t mean to ditch.
4. Charter Rights: Thanks to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, you have got a chance for fairness:

Shield against nosy searches
Freedom from being grabbed by the law without a good reason
The “why am I here?” right upon arrest
The “I need my lawyer, stat” hotline
The “let’s wrap this up,” to speedy trials.

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Please email us through the form on this page for a free chat about your situation.

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Failing to Stop Sentence in Toronto

Facing the music for a conviction is not a walk in the park. Imagine you could end up warming a jail cell for up to 5 years. But wait! They will snatch your driving privileges right from under you for a solid year the moment you are pegged guilty.
And when you thought it could not get any more intimidating, a Judge might tack on an extra driving ban of up to three years!
If you are in damage control mode, consider this your lifeline. In situations that allow us to broker a deal for a lesser charge, we are your team aiming to get you back in the driver’s seat.

Call us Today

Facing legal challenges does not have to mean emptying your bank account or putting your future at risk. Our mission is a game plan aiming to avoid the trial, bypass the charges, and squeeze the rules so you can reconnect with your loved ones.

Across Toronto, Canada, we are the go-to team for affordable, top-notch legal defense, especially when the charges are on the line.

We are skilled criminal lawyers who genuinely care about protecting you and your future from the heavy shadow of a criminal record. Trust us; we have got the experience, expertise, and track record of trustworthiness to back this up.

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    What is failure to stop causing death in Canada?

    In Canada, “failure to stop causing death” is considered a severe indictable offence without the option for the Crown to elect a lesser charge. It involves leaving the scene of an accident that results in someone’s death.

    Can you sue for hit and run in Canada?

    Yes, in Canada, victims of a hit and run can have personal injury lawyers file a lawsuit against the driver for negligence under tort law, seeking compensation for their injuries and losses.

    How long have you been in jail in Canada for a hit and run?

    For a hit-and-run offence in Canada, the legal system can impose a jail sentence of up to six months, reflecting the seriousness of fleeing the scene of an accident.