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Criminal Defence

Drug DUI Lawyers in Toronto

Drug Related Criminal DUI Charge

You are behind the wheel, but your head is not active for driving. That’s what Section 253 (1) of the Criminal Code is all about. It is about keeping the roads and skies safe from the risky business of driving or flying under the influence, whether that is due to alcohol or drugs. This rule is not just for cars – it covers everything from boats to trains and even aircraft.

There are two big things. 

  • First up, Section 253 (1) (a): If your driving skills are unstable because you have had a tipple or a toke, that is a red flag.
  • Then there is Section 253 (1) (b): This one’s about numbers – if you have got over eighty milligrams of alcohol per hundred milliliters of blood flowing through you, that’s over the limit.

In a nutshell, it’s about staying sharp and sober when you are in charge of any vehicle.

Penalties For Drugged Driving In Toronto

In October 2016, a fresh law came into effect, cracking down on drug-impaired driving with strict fines and immediate license suspension for those avoiding the tests.

Caught in the act? You are handing over $180 to get your license back from the province, not to mention a temporary goodbye to your driving privileges. The consequences are more rigid for the repeat offenders. If you fail the roadside test, you are straight to the station for a thorough check-up by a drug recognition expert.

Here are the penalties for drugged driving:

  • Three-day licence suspension.
  • Seven days without your wheels.
  • A whole month of bus rides.

Caught driving high? You will need the best DUI lawyers in Toronto on your side.

Prescription Drugs and Driving in Toronto

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a well-documented offence backed by solid evidence. But when it comes to drugs, it’s a whole different ball game.

Why? Because setting limits for various drugs, including those your doctor prescribes, is tricky. You know, some of these prescription meds can really mess with your driving. They work on your brain like alcohol does, slowing down how you process info and messing with your driving freedom.

Remember this: Just because it’s prescribed does not mean it will not impair your driving. 

Drug-Impaired Driving Crimes

  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI): It is prohibited to drive when alcohol or drugs mess with your ability to handle the wheel. Whether it’s booze, drugs, or a mix of both, it’s straight-up illegal.
  • Crossing the Line with Blood Drug Levels: If you are found with a blood drug concentration at or above the set limit within two hours after you have stopped driving, you are in hot water. There is a specific law setting this limit.
  • The ‘Low Drug’ Level: Within two hours of parking your ride, your blood shows a drug level that’s not high enough to break the main law but crosses the ‘low drug’ threshold. Even this lands you in trouble, as per another law

Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana

Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC, is the main surface in the marijuana gossip. You smoke it, and boom! THC levels in your blood shoot up and then plummet just as fast. This THC transforms into 11-OH-THC, a kind of THC with a twist, and then morphs again into THC-Acid, the star of the urine drug screen show.

Here’s a plot twist:

  • Smoking marijuana turns 11-OH-THC into a less active version.
  • THC-Acid.
  • Ending up in your blood and urine.

So, when you are getting tested, it’s this THC-Acid they are looking for, not the original THC.

Now, comparing marijuana to alcohol is like apples to oranges. With alcohol, high blood alcohol content (BAC) equals more impairment. Simple, right? But with marijuana, the link between THC levels and how ‘out of it’ you are is not that straightforward. This makes prosecuting these cases a real head-scratcher.

A Winning Defence

Facing a drug-impaired driving charge can feel like hitting a wall of despair. It is in these moments that having an intelligent lawyer becomes crucial. Our team, seasoned in representing clients in Toronto in such cases, brings a game-changing presence to your defence.
Our strategy begins with an in-depth dive into your case. We will examine the accusations and analyze the evidence stacked against you. Our approach is not just about challenging the Crown’s evidence; it’s about actively exploring every path to secure a win for you.

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