Think About Your Future- Hire Toronto’s Expert Lawyer for Hit & Run

If you get caught in a hit-and-run accident, do not panic. Consult our expert lawyers and hire one to get rid of the illegal offense. Our lawyer will compensate you with the insurance policies and protect your rights.

How Hit and Run Accidents Occur in Toronto

Navigating Toronto’s streets, you are as likely to encounter a hit-and-run as you are a Tim Hortons. Imagine a driver, in a rush to nowhere, clips a pedestrian and runs off, leaving behind nothing but confusion and a cloud of exhaust.

Toronto does not play games with these road warriors; the law demands they stop, spill their details, and own up. Yet, you would be surprised how many treat this rule like a stop sign on a deserted street – optional and often ignored.

Let’s say you are the unlucky lead of a hit-and-run scene. It’s crucial to arm yourself with knowledge about your rights and the next steps. Toronto’s legal scene insists on accountability, but it’s a two-way street.

Different Types of Hit and Run Accidents

Different types of hit-and-run accidents occur, and the drivers run away from the scene to avoid legal offenses.
Hitting a Parked Vehicle: A vehicle hits a car while parked, and the hitter runs away without giving their identity information to the owner of the damaged car.
Hitting a Moving Vehicle: In this type, a car hits the moving vehicle, does not stop to see the damage and injuries, and also runs without leaving any trace of its identity.
Hitting a Pedestrian or Bicyclist: When the vehicle hits the pedestrian or a bicyclist and fails to stop to prove their identity information.

Insurance Claims for Hit and Run Accidents

If you come across a serious hit-and-run accident, you must file different insurance claims; the following are the claims that must have to be filed.

  • If you are hit by a motorist who has no insurance, then it’s a very complex case for them with strict deadlines.
  • In the case of a hit-and-run accident, if you or your loved one gets seriously injured, then it is very important to quickly contact an experienced personal injury lawyer to protect your rights.

What to do if You are Involved in a Hit and Run Accident

Following are the steps that you have to take if you are involved in a hit-and-run accident;

Do not Try to Chase the Fleeing Motorist

In the heat of the moment, when a hit-and-run shocks up your day, the gut reaction might be to go after the culprit. Let’s pause there—statistics show that darting into traffic can escalate risks, with high-speed chases often leading to further casualties. Hold your horses. Hunting down a speedster on the run is less about bravery and more about risking the biscuit without any payoff.

Seek Medical Attention

If you have faced a hit-and-run accident, you must check yourself and the passengers first to see if they get any serious injuries or not. It is very important to seek medical care as some injuries are not apparent at that time but can cause serious issues. You must call 911 and seek immediate medical attention. 

Write Down Everything You Remember

When you file a case, you must remember everything about the vehicle that hits and runs away. Your case can easily be solved if you write everything about the vehicle at the moment. Write down the color, model, or any other information that is helpful for the identification. 

Call the Police

It is very important to call the police because the police will investigate the driver who runs away and interview the witnesses to make a report. The police investigation may help you to identify the driver who hits and runs away easily.  


Collect as Much Evidence as Possible

It can be very difficult to find the driver who hits your vehicle. To make the case easy, you have to collect as much evidence as you can at the moment to make it possible to identify a driver. You have to check the CCTV footage, capture the damage to your vehicle, and talk with the witnesses to get their statements. 


Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer 

Consider speaking to your personal injury lawyer; if you do not have the evidence, your lawyer can get you a way through a thorough investigation and obtain legal processes to protect your rights. 


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Contact Toronto’s Experienced Car Accident Lawyers at Kazandji Law

We know that it’s very frustrating to get into a hit-and-run accident; that is why we are offering you the best lawyers in the town of Toronto.

Our experienced lawyers will compensate you and help you to protect your rights. They also help you with legal and illegal offenses in the case of hit-and-run accidents in Toronto.

Contact the best and most experienced lawyers at Kazandji Law.

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In the channels of attorney assault cases, Kazandji Law shines. We have seen it all, from heart-pounding moments in the courtroom to the sighs of relief when justice is served. Imagine you are caught in an indictable offense charge. It’s more than just a bad day; it’s full-blown. You need a champion, not just any lawyer, but someone who gets the gravity of your situation.

You are on the edge, with penalties threatening like dark clouds. That’s when you dial 647-559-6982 – Kazandji Law to the rescue!

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What is the penalty for a hit and Run in Toronto?

The penalty includes a minimum fine of $200 to a maximum fine of $2000, imprisonment for six months, not more than six months, and a license suspension. 

Is hit-and-run illegal in Toronto?

Hit and Run is considered an offense in both the criminal code and the Toronto Traffic Highway Act; you are not allowed to leave the accident without giving your identity, whether you are involved or not.

How long do you have to report a hit-and-run in Toronto?

To receive fair compensation for the damage to your vehicle, you must call the police within 24 hours.

What if someone hits my car in Toronto?

If the motorist hits your vehicle, you have to call the legal authorities to file your case and notify your insurer.