Armed Robbery Offense Lawyer- Get Expert Legal Defense

Robbery can bring an individual to court, considered a criminal act, and authorities can charge you in such cases. Hire Toronto’s expert lawyers and strengthen your legal defence to eliminate such instances.

What is Robbery?

Any threat from taking property to attempting to take property from another person is considered a criminal act of robbery. 

 According to the criminal code of Toronto, a person can commit robbery in the following situations:

  1. If someone steals something and then hurts or threatens to hurt people or their belongings to get what they want.  
  2. If a person steals from someone and immediately at the time of stealing before stealing or after stealing, starts to beat the person or uses any violence. 
  3. When a person steals from someone while carrying a weapon or anything that can harm a person, like a knife, etc. 

All the above criminal acts are considered very serious according to the government, and one could go to jail for such offences, and the government keeps them in jail until their trial. The government might also ask the court to give them a prison sentence if they are found guilty. 

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Punishments for the Criminal Act of Robbery

In Toronto, robbery is considered a grave crime. If a person is charged with theft, they will have their trial in the Superior Court of Justice, where a jury can try them. 

If the court finds a person guilty, the court has all the authority to give that person a life sentence in prison.

If someone commits a robbery and uses a real gun or something that looks like a gun or anything that can harm the other person, they will be sent to jail for a certain period if they are found guilty.  

Many things can worsen a robbery charge, like how old the person is and if the person has been in trouble with the law before.

Some other things that can make it worse are;

  • The vulnerability of the complaint
  • The degree of violence used 
  • The use of any weapons 
  • Any injuries that were caused by the complaint 
  • The value of the stolen property, etc.   

Other Consequences of a Robbery Offense

When someone is found guilty in an offensive robbery case and sent to jail, it is usually the beginning of their troubles. They may also face other serious problems, such as;

  • Travel limitations 
  • Embarrassment in facing friends, family, etc
  • Immigration issues 
  • Risk of being exposed publicly through the media, etc 

If you or someone you know has been charged with robbery, do not delay. Contact Kazandji Law and hire the best lawyer to present your case and solve it with their expertise.

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Possible Defences for Armed Robbery

In many robbery theft cases, the first thing that comes into question is the identity of the person who commits a crime. 

In the middle of the case, sometimes it is easy for the witness to need clarification about the person’s physical appearance. 

The video and the forensic evidence, such as gunshots, fingerprints, or DNA, sometimes prove nothing.    

If someone is suspected in the case, police might ask them questions to make them admit they have committed the offence. Sometimes, police do this for an extended period and put much pressure on the suspect.

If someone mistakenly says something that makes them seem guilty, the police might get permission to search their home or property for more evidence.

But if the police do not follow the rules while searching for evidence, then in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the evidence they find might not be allowed in court. 

Also, to prove the confession of the witness, they have to demonstrate they said everything without any force and were not tricked into it.  

Experienced Robbery Lawyer

Robbery is considered a serious allegation, and defending such charges is too risky, as they may involve you in complicated legal problems. 

Simply saying that you are innocent is not enough, and you will be found innocent only when the court declares you innocent and frees you from all the charges.

If you want to withdraw the case, you must hire a lawyer from Kazandji Law, who will help you fight the charges and withdraw the case.  

Kazandji Law will provide you with an experienced lawyer in the Canadian Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice who will defend your robbery case.


How many years do you get for armed robbery in Toronto?

The person who commits the offense will get a maximum sentence of life in prison and to a minimum sentence of four years in prison. 

Is robbery a serious crime in Toronto?

Yes, it is considered as one of the most serious violent crime offenses in Toronto.

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