Impaired Driving in Toronto- Your Expert Lawyers

Kazandji Law recommends expert lawyers who can assist you with impaired driving charges and guide you in resolving your case.

Impaired Driving Lawyers in Toronto 

If you are charged with impaired driving in Toronto, you are not alone. Kazandji Law is here for you. Just because you are charged in the impaired driving case, it does not mean that you are guilty. To avoid being accused illegally, hire one of our best criminal defence lawyers. 

Control and Care of Impaired Driving In Toronto

Most of the time, the charges of impaired driving are imposed by the police officers. They observe the suspected individual and how they care for and control the vehicle while driving. 

Before charging the individual, they must have to prove that the impaired driver was drunk.

The charge can also be imposed and accepted if the driver has any signs of instability, such as bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, etc. 

Possible Defences for Impaired Driving Charges

Defences against impaired driving charges are bound by different strategies to avoid allegations. 

The following are the possible defences for impaired driving charges;

  • Question police officers and claim why they are taking a breath sample. 
  • Challenge the technical aspects or procedures that are used for breath testing. 

Impaired Driving Charges Consequences

In case you are charged in the impaired driving case and not found guilty, there are still consequences that you have to face.

If you are charged for impaired driving in Toronto, you must have a legal licence that will last for 90 days, and you may find your vehicle seized for seven days.

You can sometimes appeal to suspend the case, but you should hire our defence lawyer as soon as possible.

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The Sentence for Impaired Driving

There is a heavy penalty for the individuals who are charged with impaired driving.

If you have been charged in an impaired driving case in greater Toronto, you will be automatically fined $1000.00 and a minimum of 1 year of prohibition for driving.

In the second offence, you can face jail for at least 30 days and a driving prohibition for two years.

In case of a third offence, you can face 120 days in jail, and you are not allowed to drive for at least three years.

If there is any physical harm to a victim or death occurs, then you have to be in jail for ten years and can be given a life sentence.

Your time in jail depends on the particular circumstances or the case and the lawyer’s effectiveness.

Moreover, such cases require the best lawyer possible as they are complicated and require court submissions.

Ignition Interlock Program in Toronto 

There are driving prohibitions if you are charged in an impaired driving case, but you are still allowed to drive in such cases, and this is possible through the ignition interlock program.

The ignition interlock program is a government program that you can easily participate in with leave of the court.

If your participation in the ignition interlock program is accepted, then after three months, you can install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle and can drive.

After the installation of the device, you can drive only when there are zero signs of alcohol in your body.

But if you are charged for the second time in the impaired driving case, you are not eligible to participate in the program for six months.

In the case of the third offence, it’s for the 12 months that you are not allowed to take the ignition interlock program.

To Do List for Facing Impaired Driving Charges in Toronto

It is a frightening experience for the individuals arrested for the first time. If you cannot immediately act on the case, you can face maximum punishment for impaired driving charges.

When you are in such a situation, you must contact an experienced lawyer who can help you get out of the case quickly.

Planning for a good defence on time in such cases is essential.

If you are hiring a lawyer from us, we employ you with a team of investigators who can investigate evidence to prove you innocent.

Successful Strategies That Can Be Used in Case of Impaired Driving Charges

The first strategy to be used in case of impaired driving charges is to gather evidence and have a proper defence lawyer to help you with the false allegations.

These include arbitrary detention, the right to be informed of why and the right to counsel.
In a case where an officer stops you without a warrant, then a defence must have the following points to be raised;

2.Unreasonable search


Our Approach as an Experienced Toronto Driving Impaired Lawyer

Our experienced impaired driving lawyer will see if all laws are strictly followed by the accused, and there must be proof or evidence that goes in favour.

It should also be determined whether the accused had controlled the vehicle for three hours. In such cases, they will find the signs of physical harm.

It should also be checked whether the accused has any signs of alcohol or drugs in the blood test.

An experienced impaired driving lawyer will ensure the accused has followed all the legal procedures before charges are imposed.

Reach Out To Us Today

In the channels of attorney assault cases, Kazandji Law shines. We have seen it all, from heart-pounding moments in the courtroom to the sighs of relief when justice is served. Imagine you are caught in an indictable offense charge. It’s more than just a bad day; it’s full-blown. You need a champion, not just any lawyer, but someone who gets the gravity of your situation.

You are on the edge, with penalties threatening like dark clouds. That’s when you dial 647-559-6982 – Kazandji Law to the rescue!

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How do I beat an impaired driving charge in Toronto?

There are a few ways by which you can beat impaired driving charges in Toronto; these include rising blood alcohol content, questioning the sobriety test, failure to issue a consent warrant, etc.

What is the penalty for impaired driving in Toronto?

There are several penalties based on the offences; for example, if you commit the first offence, you have to pay a fine of $1000.00. In case of the second offence, you must face imprisonment for 30 days. The third offence will face 120 days of imprisonment.

How much does impaired driving cost Toronto?

Impaired driving is a serious crime that causes harm to the public. In such a case, you have to pay a fine of $1000.

How long will you lose your licence for impaired driving in Toronto?

There are 90 days of licence suspension in the impaired driving case, and you cannot drive any vehicle for 90 days.